Barbara Kay, who writes opinion articles for the national Post is as gifted in the way she writes, as she is in the way she cuts through the fog. She sees the world as it is, rather than how she would like to see it.
This week, Barbara Kay wrote a piece and a response on Quebec's penchant for supporting the Arab cause, basically saying that Quebec could easily become Quebecistan if Ethnocentric Quebecois Nationalists were ever to win independence from Canada.
In her article, she alluded to the fact that Quebec also leans heavily against Israel, and has a history of anti-Semitism.
For this article she was pilloried first by [Andre Pratte->1567], Editor of Montreal's supposedly federalist daily La Presse newspaper.
Kay was then whacked by Separatist [Josee Legault->1528] who writes for the daily English language Montreal Gazette, only because no French media will have her. She's like Quebec's version of England's World War II's Lord Ha Ha.
Barbara Kay is really smart and more than capable of defending herself. But that doesn't mean that I or anyone else of like-minded fairness should not come out in support of her.
Barbara Kay's two pieces on [Quebecistan->1510] in the National Post were excellent and need no defense vis a vis her two media detractors: Separatist Josee Legaulx who writes for the Montreal Gazette. And Andre Pratte from Montreal's French daily La Presse.
What Barbara Kay didn't write was that Ethnocentric Quebecois Nationalists are in their own way not all that different from Palestinians and other Arab Nationalists. All of whom are deluded.
Ethnocentric Quebecois nationalists, including so-called Quebec Federalists like Andre Pratte think that they are in some ways special, distinct, and better than the rest of us. This is no secret, since this is their public mantra and demand upon Ottawa that they be recognized as "distinct".
They forget that the Quebec economy is a failure. And that without the hundreds of billions of dollars Quebec has received from the rest of Canada since the time of Trudeau, Quebec would be little more than a French speaking North American backwater.
And like their European cousins, they seem to have an inherent dislike for all things American, except for what America can offer.
As for French Quebec's attitude towards Jews, it has never really changed from the time of Lionel Groulx. Ethnocentric Quebecois Nationalists have just become that much more sophisticated at hiding it.
When I was leading the equal rights group QPAC (The Quebec Political Action Committee), the Journal de Montreal, La Presse and Le Devoir all referred to me as the Anglo-Juif.
This stopped abruptly when on a live French CBC News television interview (in-studio), I asked the host why the French Media felt compelled to refer to me in their stories as the Anglo-Juif? After-all: Do we in the English speaking community refer to Lucien Bouchard as the Franco-Catholic?
The French Media never referred to me as an Anglo-Juif again. At least not publicly. They don't like a bright light shining upon how they really think.
And then there was the incident when the leader of the Bloc Quebecois, Michel Gauthier publicly asked the Canadian Jewish Congress to censure me for my political and social position. If that doesn't say it all. What does?
In Defense Of Barbara Kay's Articles On Quebecistan

Howard Galganov9 articles
[->]Prurit Galganov - l'homme qui se gratte le bobo à vos frais... - Héros autoproclamé d'un "far-west" imaginaire, anti-Québécois jusqu'à la folie..., Galganov est un Don Quichotte de pacotille, ...
Cliquer ici pour plus d'information
[->]Prurit Galganov - l'homme qui se gratte le bobo à vos frais... - Héros autoproclamé d'un "far-west" imaginaire, anti-Québécois jusqu'à la folie..., Galganov est un Don Quichotte de pacotille, un activiste en carton-pâte hollywoodien, une starlette de l'échec et mat auto-administré, qui met en scène sa paranoïa ("Tuez Galganov!", lit-on sur la couverture de son livre "Bastards"...), récoltant ainsi les appui$ à la "grande cause" de sa vie: GALGANOV... - Vigile
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