Fête de la Saint-Patrick

A terrible Beauty is born - Easter Rising 1916

Suivi du poème de William Butler Yeats : « Easter, 1916 »

Fête de la Saint-Patrick

Bonjour à toute l'équipe de « Vigile »,
À l'occasion de la Saint-Patrick j'aimerais vous proposer cette vidéo que j'ai réalisée ces jours derniers en hommage au soulèvement de Pâques à Dublin en 1916. Date qui constitue ce que l'histoire reconnaît comme étant le moment fondateur de la lutte des Irlandais pour leur indépendance.
Aux babioles arborées par les unionistes wasp déguisés en shamrocks de Dolorama le temps d'un défilé, nous devrions, nous les indépendantistes du Québec, (ré) affirmer notre solidarité pour la réunification du pays de nos frères et sœurs de l’Irlande républicaine.
( le titre est extrait d’un vers du poème de William Butler Yeats : « Easter, 1916 » )
Tiocfaidh ár lá !
Érin an Québec Go Bragh !
Danièle Fortin
Montréal, le 17 mars 2009

Easter 1916
William Butler Yeats : « Easter, 1916 »

I have met them at close of day

Coming with vivid faces

From counter or desk among grey

Eighteenth-century houses.

I have passed with a nod of the head

Or polite meaningless words,

Or have lingered awhile and said

Polite meaningless words,

And thought before I had done

Of a mocking tale or a gibe

To please a companion

Around the fire at the club,

Being certain that they and I

But lived where motley is worn:

All changed, changed utterly:

A terrible beauty is born.
That woman's days were spent

In ignorant good will,

Her nights in argument

Until her voice grew shrill.

What voice more sweet than hers

When young and beautiful,

She rode to harriers?

This man had kept a school

And rode our winged horse.

This other his helper and friend

Was coming into his force;

He might have won fame in the end,

So sensitive his nature seemed,

So daring and sweet his thought.

This other man I had dreamed

A drunken, vain-glorious lout.

He had done most bitter wrong

To some who are near my heart,

Yet I number him in the song;

He, too, has resigned his part

In the casual comedy;

He, too, has been changed in his turn,

Transformed utterly:

A terrible beauty is born.
Hearts with one purpose alone

Through summer and winter, seem

Enchanted to a stone

To trouble the living stream.

The horse that comes from the road,

The rider, the birds that range

From cloud to tumbling cloud,

Minute by minute change.

A shadow of cloud on the stream

Changes minute by minute;

A horse-hoof slides on the brim;

And a horse plashes within it

Where long-legged moor-hens dive

And hens to moor-cocks call.

Minute by minute they live:

The stone's in the midst of all.
Too long a sacrifice

Can make a stone of the heart.

O when may it suffice?

That is heaven's part, our part

To murmur name upon name,

As a mother names her child

When sleep at last has come

On limbs that had run wild.

What is it but nightfall?

No, no, not night but death.

Was it needless death after all?

For England may keep faith

For all that is done and said.

We know their dream; enough

To know they dreamed and are dead.

And what if excess of love

Bewildered them till they died?

I write it out in a verse --

MacDonagh and MacBride

And Connolly and Pearse

Now and in time to be,

Wherever green is worn,

Are changed, changed utterly:

A terrible beauty is born.

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1 commentaire

  • Michel Guay Répondre

    21 mars 2009

    Les loges d,irlandais angliciseurs sont les pires ennemis de la nation Québecoise . Comme catholique au service des protestants ils ont détruit la francophonie en Nouvel Angleterre puis partout au Canada . Maintenant depuis les années 1960 ils attaquent le Québec en plein coeur avec les Johnsons, les Ryan, les Mulroney les Martin et les Charest
    Cette force ils l'obtienne en s'organisant en loges ésotériques qui défilent chaque année en anglicisant Montréal et le Québec entier . et tout cela par pure haine raciale contre la francophonie québecoise au service des anglos protestants ils ont trahis l'Irlande et maintenant ils trahissent le Québec
    Un jour nous comprendrons ou ils prenaient leur force royaliste au Conseil privé canadian
    Je dirais que 50% des irlandais au Québec sont de véritables patriotes Québecois