Quebec's Language Charter shows the way
The language issue in Canada is boiling up more fiercely than ever. The French speakers of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and across Canada are becoming more vicious, aggressive and bullying day by day. Quebec remains determined to destroy every vestige of anything “English” and force English Canadians into an employment and linguistic Islamic-like Dimminitude (sub-human status).
Every Anglo politician in Canada knows in their heart that the Official Bilingual scheme, designed by former Prime Ministers Mike Pearson and Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his 50 or so implanted Quebecois French Canadian henchmen was solely intended to divide and conquer the hated “English” majority. They also know that it has turned into a major political and financial time bomb.
If there was ever a time to get rid of this boondoggle it is surely now in this era of financial stress and unemployment. Canada can save many Billions of dollars year after year by repealing this outrageous criminal scheme. These huge savings could accrue to every facet of our society and to all levels of our spendthrift governments.
The One year Costs of Official Bilingualism
Some time ago I forwarded Jim Allan’s detailed study on the costs of Canada’s Official “Bilingualism” program. About that time the Fraser Institute’s study of the Federal and Provincial expenditures on Official Bilingualism showed the costs as being some 2.4 Billion dollars for just the one year of 2006.
This figure seemed to shock the media and the public and was debated for a week or so. Little comment was heard from our political leadership. Sadly the news quickly left the public’s consciousness and the tragedy of our growing national and provincial debts continued to wreak their silent havoc within our struggling economy.
The way I see it, the Fraser Institute’s figures, as shocking as they are, were not sufficiently alarming to arouse either our politicians or the media or the public for more than a few weeks. After all, what’s 2.4 Billion here or there, thrown at the “Holy Grail” of satisfying the fraudulent demand for French Joual language service by any French speaker that wants to raise hell in English-speaking Canada? That this demand is always made by the same type of bigoted Franco linguistic fascist that sees nothing wrong with insisting on French Joual as the only language of Quebec never seems to cross his or her twisted mind.
The long term cost of “Official Bilingualism” to the year 2023
I want to keep this memo short and to the point so I do not intend to deluge our dictatorial politicos with too many numbers. The fact is that if you take the Fraser Institute’s figures as they are and project them in purely arithmetical terms (excluding any borrowing costs), for just ten years into the future, then at the end of the year 2023 the government will have spent some C$24,000,000,000.
All those zeros mean C$24 Billions of those lovely new inflammable Canadian $50.00 dollar bills of our already heavily taxed earnings have been squandered! That’s a helluva waste of money considering our national and provincial debts are growing by leaps and bounds. The federal debt alone now reaching well over 600 Billions.
Stop gnashing your teeth. Depression may lead to suicide! It’s even worse than I stated. Brace yourself. Think of the additional costs of implementing all this idiotic forcing of a dying language upon the vast majority of Canadians by a racist xenophobic anti-English bunch of Joual oriented bigots and our own English-speaking Quisling leadership enablers. Now add to the implementation costs, the compliance costs incurred by the Private Sector. Perhaps you better get yourself a stiff drink - here’s the really bad news.
The Fraser Institute cites this famous Economic Advisor
Professor Murray L. Weidenbaum estimated that the Private Sector compliance costs in dealing with government regulations at approximately 20 times related government implementation costs (Published in an article written by Laura Jones and Stephen Graf and published by the Fraser Institute). Professor Weidenbaum’s 20 times factor was arrived at by studying the costs of mandating language services other than English in the USA. The Professor served as an economic advisor to Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. (Combine his name with Reagan and Google. His name will appear in many articles).
My personal opinion is that the 20 times factor probably hugely understates the costs in Canada, because our regulations and laws enforcing french Joual fluency are fierce and punishing, whereas the US is not nearly as strictly regulated. Then there are the multitude Canadian Kangaroo courts (so-called Human Rights tribunals) awards to French Joual language fascist complainers - an unfair burden on luckless individuals and corporations.
Multiply 20 times our provincial and federal 10 year future costs of 24 Billions and add that to the total cost over the next 10 years (20x24)+24 = 504 Billions (approaching the size of our present national debt, probably exceeding it)..
What are the costs paid by the Private Sector for mandatory Official Bilingualism? Think of just a few we see every day such as the bilingual translations and the printing of car manuals, electronic device manuals, food labels, drug labels and explanations, imported product labels of all types from jams to chocolate bars; product packaging, courier services, motor boat manuals, private historic markers, billboards, road signs, store advertising, and manufacturer’s costs in legal fees to comply with government regulations, telephone services, and so on. Official Bilingual costs are passed on to us in nearly everything we buy or sell. We pay, pay, and pay again!
This divisive Official Forced French Joual menace to Canada’s social peace and financial well being should be scrapped! We must declare all English-speaking majority Provinces and Territories Officially Unilingual English ONLY. WE must write our English-speaking Charter NOW! Quebec has established the legal precedence. Fairness must prevail.
Official Bilingualism must be shut down as soon as possible. Quebec has its own unilingual French (anti-English) Charter of Language. Let their disgusting introverted arrogance ruin them. It is time our leadership and English-speaking majority of loyal Canadians focused their energies on getting on with the job of recreating the Canada we once loved and building it into a home where all can participate and thrive. We must free the private sector of these unnecessary financial burdens and thereby increase their ability to expand and create jobs. Let us enlist the support of large corporations and small.
We must change things so that every time we pass through a cashier’s check-out we can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that one less waste of our taxed earnings has been eliminated. Best of all, unilingual English speakers may once again serve their Country in all government institutions and the military as equal citizens before and under the original laws of Canada. Declare English-Speaking Canada—English Language Only!
Jim Allan is not well and I would like to draw attention to the fact that I could not have written this article and the original circulated earlier had it not been for Jim’s original research and his fight for language fairness over the last 30 years. Please get well Jim; we need you; Dick, and all of your many admirers.
Dick Field is the former founder and Chairman of the Voice of Canadian Committees and the Montgomery Tavern Society. He was editor and publisher of Voices, their newspaper. He is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Queen’s University. Dick has a wide variety of life experiences and has traveled worldwide both as a businessman and the co-owner of a travel business. He retired as a marketing officer after a thirty year career with a major Toronto life insurance company. Dick is proud to have served in combat during WW2 with the Royal Canadian Artillery in northwest Europe. Dick can be reached at
Dick Field, editor of Blanco’s Blog, is the former editor of the Voice of Canadian Committees and the Montgomery Tavern Society, Dick Field is a World War II veteran, who served in combat with the Royal Canadian Artillery, Second Division, 4th Field Regiment in Belgium, Holland and Germany as a 19-year-old gunner and forward observation signaller working with the infantry. Field also spent six months in the occupation army in Northern Germany and after the war became a commissioned officer in the Armoured Corps, spending a further six years in the Reserves.
Dick can be reached at
Other articles by Dick Field
Quebec's Language Charter shows the way
English-Only Language Charter for all English-Speaking Canada, Territories, must be introduced now !
Official Bilingualism - Get Rid of it - Now!

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