Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee oversaw and planned illegal actions at Trump Rallies, using Hillary-aligned Super PACs as a cover.

Credit – epictimes.com
Though Hillary Clinton’s campaign has expressed its confidence of a major Clinton victory come November 8th, Wikileaks and Project Veritas have been a consistent thorn in their side all month long. Both organizations have released damning evidence exposing Clinton’s corruption, promising to continue their fight for transparency up until the US presidential election. Project Veritas, just moments ago, released their third video exposing election fraud and criminal activity within the Clinton campaign and the Super Political Action Committees (PACs) that support her. In the newest video, titled “Creamer Confirms Hillary Clinton Involvement,” Robert Creamer – whose illegal activities were exposed in previous videos, prompting his resignation – confirms what many had suspected, that Hillary Clinton herself was directing the illegal actions of the Super PAC Americans United for Change and consulting firm Democracy Partners.
Americans United for Change and Democracy Partners were the target of previous videos, where they were shown actively planning to incite violent riots at Donald Trump rallies and commit voter fraud, all while on the payroll of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). After the video’s release, Clinton distanced herself from the two groups and prominent figures in both organizations, Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, were forced to resign following the damning exposé. However, new video footage shows Creamer saying that the Clinton campaign was directly involved in coordinating the groups’ actions and in planning their activities. Federal campaign finance laws prohibit coordination between a candidate’s election campaign and that same candidate’s super PAC.

Robert Creamer was recorded by undercover journalists detailing his firm’s illegal collusion with the Clinton campaign Credit – Project Veritas
In the video, Creamer details a plan, ordered by none other than Hillary herself, to place people in “Donald Duck” suits outside of Trump rallies to call out Trump for failing to release his tax returns. On hidden camera, Creamer said “In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground. So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”
Creamer knew his direct coordination with Hillary’s campaign would be damning as he followed these remarks by saying “Don’t repeat that to anybody.” Other segments of video footage detail further illegal coordination between Clinton Super PACs and her campaign as daily conference calls took place between them and Super PAC officials mentioned repeatedly that their orders came from the DNC as well as the Clinton campaign. Federal campaign law experts told Project Veritas that the “duck” initiative proves illegally coordinated campaign expenditures as the initiative was “political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United for Change funds but controlled by Clinton and her campaign.”
Recent releases from Wikileaks have also highlighted potential illegal activity between the Clinton campaign and super PACs. Leaked emails have shown the Clinton campaign illegally coordinating with the “Correct the Record” Super PAC run by David Brock. Correct the Record has also been charged with contributing nearly $6 million to the Clinton campaign in the form of coordinated expenditures, which is also illegal. Official complaints have already been filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) over the illegal dealings between the two groups. James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas has also filed complaints with the FEC over the Clinton campaign. However, with so much evidence of illegal activity within the Clinton campaign, neither Clinton nor her campaign has suffered any real consequences as a result. Will the new Project Veritas video change that?
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