Tories botched two initiatives
Poor planning and clumsy implementation have skewered two Tory initiatives that should have succeeded.
Poor planning and clumsy implementation have skewered two Tory initiatives that should have succeeded.
Selon la Gâzette, le Premier ministre du Québec devrait s'occuper des règlements dans le sport organisé...
If this is the way Charest treats his friends, Mario Dumont is looking better all the time.
Les «longs couteaux» de la Gâzette...
(The use of that "long knives" phrase - borrowed from a bloody 1934 purge of Adolf Hitler's critics within the Nazi party - is grotesque and shameful in this context.)
Les zélotes de la Gâzette devraient penser québécois de temps à autre... et ranger leurs stéréotypes anti-souverainistes - ça les déconstiperait ! Dans la culture québécoise, «yeux bridés» est une expression coutumière, jamais péjorative.