G. W. Bush - "Dead Certain - The Presidency of George W. Bush"

Bush «pleure sur l'épaule de Dieu»

Alexandre Sirois - George W. Bush est bel et bien têtu et obstiné. Le mot « doute » ne semble pas faire partie de son vocabulaire. En revanche, le président américain n’est pas insensible : il pleure souvent. C’est ce que révèle l’essai le plus récent sur la présidence controversée de Bush, rédigé par un journaliste texan, Robert Draper. Le titre : Dead C...

'I cry a lot' and see ghosts, U.S. president tells author

Bush recalls bouts of weeping, 'creepy' White House in new book

Sheldon Alberts, The Ottawa Citizen - WASHINGTON - U.S. President George W. Bush is prone to bouts of crying caused by the stress of his job, and claims to have seen ghosts emerge from the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House, according to a new book on his presidency. In a series of remarkably candid admissions by a sitting president, Mr. Bush confides to author John Draper that he has been "sustained by the discipli...

Books of The Times

Bush Profiled: Big Ideas, Tiny Details

MICHIKO KAKUTANI - Days before the 2006 election, Robert Draper reports in his fascinating new book, as things were looking bleaker and bleaker for House Republicans, and even the party’s chairman was predicting a G.O.P. defeat, George W. Bush brushed aside such forecasts, telling one of his worried aides that they were all being pessimists. When she protested that she was simply being realistic, he said: “...