Quebec bashing: Video 7

Quebec is a moral superpower!

Quand je me regarde, je me désole; quand je me compare, je me console!

Chronique vidéo de Jean-Jacques Nantel

Contrary to English Canadians who brutally deported the Acadians, who attacked and artificially impoverished French Canadians during 260 years, who destroyed the Metis Manitoba of Louis Riel and who put the natives in reservations, Quebecers did almost nothing criminal during their 400 years of history. This video proves it!

To see the video, go to YouTube at:

Pour les francophones: Merci à l'avance de diffuser le plus largement possible cette vidéo, surtout sur les sites anglo-canadiens que vous connaissez ou que vous fréquentez.

Jean-Jacques Nantel, ing.

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