Tous les articles dans Montreal Gazette (930)

Gender parity will rank as one of Charest's greatest achievements

It will be hard for any future cabinet not to have equal numbers of men and women

Khadir might shake things up

Québec Solidaire has become the second sovereignist party in the National Assembly and it will be interesting to watch how the other parties react

Ottawa sides with Quebec to limit English education rights

Harper government supports Bill 104 restrictions before the Supreme Court


Exit, quacking

If history tells us anything, this could be Charest's last term as premier

The governor-general has given Harper the gift of time

The PM has a chance to draft a more voter-friendly budget

Debate was a flop

TV executives like the new format, but the numbers show Quebecers weren't impressed

Finally, Marois uses the R-word during the campaign

PQ leader appears to be trying to get out the sovereignist vote

Marois's challenges

In downplaying sovereignty, PQ platform has become very similar to the Liberals'

This election isn't unfolding quite as Charest had wanted

The health-care issue seems to trump the economy in the minds of voters

Pauline's makeover

She has dropped sovereignty for now, campaigns on providing 'good government' and hopes to become the first female premier of Quebec

The two faces of Quebec Premier Jean Charest

If re-elected, which Charest will it be: the fiscal reformer, or the solid administrator?

'Common-values' pledge gives immigrants a false impression

Quebecers fail to live up to the values we demand of newcomers

Immigrants' values pledge is no more than just words

Meanwhile, government balks at expanding French-language protections in Bill 101

Sarkozy has separatists in a tizzy

Pitch for Unity. French president's remarks 'astounding,' Parizeau says

Federal election reduces Bloc's influence on the Hill

Path to a majority government no longer runs through Quebec

Liberals must reclaim the centre

Dion allowed the Conservatives to occupy the middle ground where all the votes are

Les Anglos auraient-ils "évolué"?...

Anglos are shunned or taken for granted

Political parties assume anglos will vote Liberal, so they don't woo their vote

Election campaign follows left-right ideological lines

The split could make it easier for the leftist parties to work together

The Gambler

Charest rolled the dice by criticizing federal Conservatives, but the gamble appears to have paid off

Dion was big loser in debate

The Liberal leader looked nothing like a prime minister in the English debate

Has Stephen Harper given up on Quebec?

The prime minister's passive performance in the French debate raises eyebrows

Charest channels Bourassa at weekend Liberal meeting

The premier is more nationalist, and more comfortable in his job